Now Playing
Episode #1443
Elon Sandwich
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Executive Producers:Baron Jimbabwe | Aaron Moore | Earnest Parten | Marion Roaman | Luke Cumberland | Alex | Sir NBS | Bruce Schwalm | Anonymous | Sir Weasel, Keeper of Pioneer Peak | J.D. Salazar | Dean | Sir Jon Noles, Viscount of Murfreesboro | Elliot Johnson | Robert Wood | "Pierre" | Sir Nathan of the Attic | Sir Up of the Green Mountain State | Baron of east lake city | Brian Molony | Sir David Fugazzotto Duke of America's Heartland and the Arabian Peninsula
Associate Executive Producers:Matthew McGreevy | Sir Don Francis | Dame Astrid Duchess of Japan and all the disputed Islands in the Japan Sea | Cesar Quinteros | Joshua McLain | Sir Christopher Kessler, Viscount
Cover Art by:Tante Neel

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